Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Telephone: 015395 58434
Welcome to Dove Class!
Dove Class is a mixed aged class of Year 1 and 2 children, 5-7 years old. Our teacher is Mrs. Robinson and we also have a teaching assistant, Mrs. Wood and sometimes we share Mrs. Myers, too. We have a mixture of activities and groups going on in our class as we support the transition of children moving from EYFS into Key Stage 1 and this changes and evolves with the children. There is a mixture of learning throughout the class as we at times have full class teaching, small group teaching or at times children are embedding skills independently. We record our learning in many different ways through practical activities, photographs in books, games and written work.
A typical day in Dove Class looks like this…
We start our day enjoying books with our teachers and friends as we come into the classroom. These can be books from our class library or the books we take home. We then say good morning to each other when doing the register to make sure everyone has been greeted and starts us off for the day. In the mornings we have our Maths and English (Phonics, Spelling, Grammar, Reading and Writing) lessons with a break in the middle. As part of our break, we have a few minutes before going outside talking about things that are going on in the world at the moment where we share what we know, what we have heard and ask questions.
In the afternoon we enjoy having a story read to us as we settle in from our lunch time and break before we move onto our foundation subjects: R.E, Science, PSHE, History, Geography, Computing, Art, D&T, Music and P.E. We also enjoy a number of extra activities within our Curriculum such as African Drumming, wheelchair basketball, First Aid courses, Team Building activity days, visits to plays or bringing guests and shows into the classroom via Zoom, to name a few.
Although there is a lot of learning that takes place within Dove Class, we also spend lots of our time working together and supporting each other as we grow and develop throughout Key Stage 1 and ensure that we provide a nurturing and caring environment for children to feel safe and happy.
Newsletter Friday 10th January View Newsletter
Newsletter Friday 13th December View Newsletter
Newsletter Friday 6th December View Newsletter
Newsletter 29th November View Newsletter