Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Telephone: 015395 58434
Mark and Sarah came in today and started things off with a lively song, Be Happy. Mark introduced us to his dog, who apparently had been fibbing about having had a bath?!! This linked in Jesus’ prediction of how Peter would deny Jesus three times, and how Peter wept when he realised that he had done just this when the cockerel crowed the next morning (Luke 22:54-62). Sometimes, having the courage to say what we believe to be true would ensure that we wouldn’t be as upset as Peter.
Mark and Sarah came into school and they told us all about how Jesus can protect us when we need him to.
Today, Mark and Sarah led us in a re-enactment of the story of Daniel’s arrival in the Kingdom of Babylon, realm of King Nebuchadnezzar (a name we discovered is quite a tongue twister!). Daniel was accompanied by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and together they had to adapt to the ways of Babylon. This tied in with the idea of change, something which all of our children will be facing very soon, whether it be a change of class or even a change of school! Mark closed our worship with a prayer, and left us to consider the words of Joshua 1:9, displayed to the right.
Miracles. We all know what they are, don’t we? Mark refreshed our minds as to the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, but made us consider a new aspect. The Bible tells us that there were 5,000 men waiting to be fed, surely there must have been women and children present too? That means Jesus must have fed up to 15,000 people with only five loaves and two fish. Another miracle to consider is that the fish were even palatable in the Holy Land heat, long before the days of refrigerators! Are miracles still happening? Of course they are, you only have to look at the wonders which spring from humble seeds to see the miracle of creation!
This month’s Jester for Jesus collective worship was all about treating others kindly. We were informed that one of the most dangerous parts of our bodies is also one of the most unlikely: our tongues. Something which can be said quickly may result in emotional pain which can take a long time to heal. This concept was highlighted with something else which goes in our mouths: toothpaste! It is very easy to squeeze a whole tube out (and make a big mess!), but it is nigh on impossible to get all the toothpaste back into its tube. Hopefully, we have all learnt to choose our words more wisely from now on.
For their April visit, Mark and Sarah came to teach us all about the importance of Respect. How can we show each other respect? How do we feel when others don’t treat us in the way we would expect them to? After exploring these ideas, we got up to have a sing and dance to our Jester for Jesus favourites God’s Love is Bigger Than a Burger and Shine.
Mark arrived today to find us all in funny costumes for World Book Day! We were then treated to an interactive story of how Jesus met two fisherman on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Simon and Andrew. There were a lot of actions to remember, but we all gave them a good go!
Mark and Sarah returned for their January visit to teach us all about those Jesus chose to be his followers: the Disciples. Did Jesus choose rich people to follow him? No, he saw the special qualities in anybody, regardless of wealth or appearance, choosing humble fishermen as his first disciples. After a lively interactive story, we sang a song which reminded us how important it is to show appreciation to those we hold dear.
Today we welcomed back both Mark and Sarah, and in return they told us all about the meaning of Advent and how it leads up to Christmas. What would be the use of Christmas without reflecting on the greatest gift of all, Christ? With the help of many volunteers, we were given a lively reveal of the Bible verse which reminds us of what Christmas is really all about:
This week we had our first Jester for Jesus worship of the year, led by Mark Callaghan. In between the lively songs, Mark asked us to reflect upon what prayer means and how we can undertake the act of praying. Prayers don’t just need to be said quietly on our knees! We learnt about the idea of ‘Teaspoon Prayers‘, those in which we:
We shall all strive to think of our own Teaspoon Prayers before Mark and Sarah return next time!
Monday 10th February Newsletter View Newsletter
Monday 3rd February Newsletter View Newsletter
Monday 27th January Newsletter View Newsletter
Newsletter 20th January View Newsletter