Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Telephone: 015395 58434
To allow the children an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our worship themes and our school’s Christian values, groups of children from each class are given an opportunity every half-term to lead a whole school Collective Worship. This allows them to explore their topic beforehand through research, and ensures that the material covered is presented to the rest of the school using language at a level which allows all children to understand the topics being discussed.
To tie in with this term’s Christian Value of Respect, Class 3 retold the story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. With accompanying narration, some of the children acted out the Bible story; receiving the commandments from God made them very happy! Through the narration we learnt of the importance of following God’s word, and how these instructions help us to respect one another, the world and God. At the end, Mr. Ross shared some of thoughts raised by the children in class discussions as to why the Ten Commandments are important for all of us today.
Today, Class 1 informed the rest of the school what they understood the meaning of courage to be. We planned our worship in class, with the children deciding that they thought courage meant being brave enough to overcome things we are scared of. Overcoming our fears is much easier when our friends are near to help us. We thought of our scariest things, and between us we made of list of: going to the dentist; bees; flies; wobbly teeth; being hurt; daddy long legs; snakes; crocodiles; and lions. We told our fears to the school, and then showed how we can comfort each other with a hug so that we no longer feel quite so scared. Afterwards, we had some help to reenact Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, linking the idea of courage to the fact that Jesus would have felt afraid knowing his fate but was emboldened by the crowds cheering for him.
This week, Class 4 enacted the story of the Good Samaritan. Who would help the stricken traveller? The Priest? The Levite? Surely his enemy, the Samaritan, would leave him to die on the road? As we discovered, sometimes help can come from the most unlikely of places.
We again discussed who had shown compassion in this story, and we all agreed that it was the Samaritan who had taken his time to help another when he could have just as easily walked past and done nothing. We learnt that everyone is deserving of our help, no matter their background or our feelings of them. Our pupil led worship was closed by Madison and Kaitlin leading us in prayer.
Our first pupil led Collective Worship of this year was provided by all the children in Class 2. They asked very simply: Compassion – what is it? To inform the rest of the school, the class retold and acted out the story of the time when Moses was rescued from the Nile as a baby, taken to the Pharaoh’s daughter and raised as her son.
We then contemplated who had shown compassion in this story. We agreed that Moses’ mother had shown compassion by hiding him from those who wished him harm, and that both the servant and the Pharaoh’s daughter had shown the baby compassion by rescuing and raising him. We then reflected on times when we have shown others equal compassion, and agreed that it is important that we strive to live selfless, giving lives.
Group 2 (01/07/15)
This week, the second group from Sharks led a Collective Worship looking at the Christian Value of Wisdom. This was conveyed through the story of King Solomon, a figure in the Old Testament renowned for his great sagacity. When two women came to Solomon disputing the parentage of a baby, he threatened to have the baby chopped in half! By doing so, he revealed the true mother when she stated that she would rather give the baby away than see him harmed (1 Kings 3:16 – 28).
The boys from Sharks made us contemplate whether we would rather have material possessions, or wisdom such as that shown by King Solomon. Hopefully, we all agreed that the latter would be preferable. After all, Solomon was rewarded with a long life and wealth for his shrewd judgement and service to God.
Group 1 (23/06/15)
This week in our Collective Worships, we have focused on the Christian Value of Peace. We have explored what Peace means to us, how Jesus is the Prince of Peace and how we can relate to one another to ensure that we maintain peace in friendships.
This morning, a group from Sharks did a marvellous job of leading our Collective Worship for the first time. They presented to the school a thoughtful piece about Jesus’ message of peace and how we can act as mediators to maintain that peace within our school community.
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Monday 3rd February Newsletter View Newsletter
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