Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE

Telephone: 015395 58434


Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE

Telephone: 015395 58434

Safeguarding and Online-Safety Information

Safeguarding and Online-Safety Information

At our school, we have a culture of safeguarding which is embedded across the school community with the following documents guiding and informing our practice:

Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024

Working Together to Safeguard Children

We are committed to ensuring all children in our care are safe; they feel safe and know what to do when they do not feel safe.  Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Behaviour Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Complaints Policy and Code of Conduct for Staff and Other Adults who work in our school are very clear in how we will deal robustly with any safegaurding concern which is rasied by children, parents and carers, staff, visitors and volunters.

Our Safeguarding Leaflet is available for all parents and carers, adults visiting, volunteering or working within our school in our main Reception area at the front of school.

We have staff training as Designated Safeguarding Leads and a Governor responsible for Safeguarding.  Our Designated Safeguarding Leads and Safeguarding Governor are availalbe to you if you have a safeguarding concern that you want to raise.

The staff Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) are:

Mrs Gill Pett DSL and Headteacher

Mrs Suzanne Robinson DDSL and Senior Teacher

Miss Horne DDSL and Year 5/6 Class Teacher including Mental Health Lead

Our Safeguarding Governor is:

Mrs Rowena Lewis, Chair of Governors

We recognise that children live in a world which is increasingly technology-based and spend more time online or playing games which have online access. At Flookburgh, we are dedicated to ensuring that children are equipped for the digital world and know how to be safe online and how to navigate the online world responsibly.

Below are some links to websites that can provide a range of information on online safety such as guidance on games and apps and the dangers they may present; how to limit your child’s screen time and tips on how to help your child to be able to access the online world safely.

Safer Internet


Parent Safe



School Safeguarding Leaflet


Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP)

We are an Operation Encompass School

Operation Encompass Letter to Parents 2021

‘Protect Young Eyes’ – Online Safety Advice for Parents, especially around Apps and Devices

Letter to Parents from Cumbria Constabulary’s Child Centred Policing Team

School Announcements

Apply now for 15 or 30 hours childcare to start your place in September

Apply here

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