Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Telephone: 015395 58434
On 20th June 2019 we had our SIAMS inspection under the new inspection framework for Church Schools’.
We are delighted with the outcome of our inspection which reflects the dedication of the whole school team to provide our children, families and adults working and volunteering in our school with a nurturing, caring, inspiring and welcoming environment in which to learn and feel part of our ‘school family’.
Overall Judgement against the following question: Good
How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?
Additional Judgement against the following statement: Good
The impact of collective worship
During our SIAMs inspection our Inspector said…
‘Leaders have developed a highly distinctive, inspirational Christian vision…It is fully shared and clearly evident in the distinctly Christian learning environment in which every member is cherished and supported.’
‘The inclusive, highly aspirational vision expresses precisely the determination of the headteacher to broaden pupils’ horizons and give them insight as to what they can achieve.’
‘Governors, staff and parents confirm that the changes already brought about are having a very positive impact on outcomes for pupils. This is most clearly evident in the development of the curriculum and the focus on mental health and wellbeing. Leaders have created a rich, creative curriculum which excites and challenges pupils.’
‘God’s love is evident in the extremely supportive relationships which nurture pupils and adults across and beyond the school. Clearly based on the Christian values of hope and compassion, they enable all, including the vulnerable and those with special needs and/or disabilities, to achieve and flourish.’
‘The rich, creative curriculum, designed to meet the needs of the school community, supports pupils’ spiritual and personal development very well. They learn to appreciate the wonder of creation and are empowered to ‘make a difference’ in the world.’
‘The wide range of visits and outdoor learning experiences support pupils’ spiritual and personal growth very well. Highly effective use is made of the school’s extensive outdoor learning environment.’
‘Engaging collective worship, supported and enriched by the partnership with the church, inspires pupils and helps them to apply Jesus’ teaching about respect and courage to their own lives.’
‘Effective teaching in religious education (RE) excites and inspires pupils. They gain a good understanding of important Christian concepts and belief.’
To read our inspection report in full, please use the document link below:
Flookburgh CE Primary School SIAMs Report – June 2019
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